Health parameters and the availability of BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 components
BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 uses health parameters to track the overall health and availability of the server components that transfer data and management settings to and from BlackBerry devices, Android devices, and iOS devices. Health parameters track the health of both the primary instance and the standby instance.
The parameters indicate whether the server components are working as expected. Each parameter reports the status of a different EMM feature. For example, the wireless network access parameter indicates whether the BlackBerry Dispatcher can access the wireless network.
The health of each parameter is based on a predefined performance threshold. If the performance of the server components satisfies this threshold, the parameter is “healthy” and lists a status of available or connected. If the performance of the server components does not satisfy this threshold, the parameter is “unhealthy” and lists a status of not available or not connected.
On the primary instance, if any parameter above the failover threshold is unhealthy, device service fails over automatically to the standby instance. On the standby instance, if any parameter above the promotion threshold is unhealthy, device service cannot fail over from the primary instance to the standby instance (the standby instance cannot be promoted to become the primary instance).