Change the active Administration Console instance

You can install more than one instance of the Administration Console in a BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 domain, but only one instance can be active. The first instance that you install is started by default and is the active instance. Additional instances that you install are disabled.

If the active Administration Console stops responding, or if you want to stop the Administration Console to perform maintenance activities, you can restore service by making another instance active.

Before you begin: If necessary, on the computer that hosts the active Administration Console, in the Windows Services, stop the BES10 - Administration Console service. Change the startup type for the service from Automatic to Disabled.
  1. On the computer that hosts a disabled Administration Console that you want to make active, you must configure the Administration Console to connect to the primary instance that is assigned the device management role for Android devices and iOS devices.
    For more information about this role, see Assigning the device management role for Android devices and iOS devices. For instructions to complete this task, see Configure the Administration Console to connect to the new primary instance.
  2. On the computer that hosts the disabled Administration Console that you want to make active, in the Windows Services, change the startup type for the BES10 – Administration Console service to Automatic.
  3. Start the BES10 – Administration Console service.