Configuring single sign-on for the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 consoles
You can configure single sign-on for BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 consoles so that administrators and BES10 Self-Service users do not need to provide their usernames and passwords each time they access a console. When you configure single sign-on, the browser uses the Windows credentials that they logged in to the computer with to authenticate them automatically. Single sign-on works if you require your organization’s administrators and users to use Microsoft Active Directory authentication to log in the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 consoles.
Single sign-on is beneficial if your organization’s administrators need to access the BlackBerry Administration Service or Administration Console from the BlackBerry Management Studio frequently. It allows administrators to access the BlackBerry Administration Service or Administration Console from BlackBerry Management Studio without having to log in again.
You must configure single sign-on for all the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 consoles (for example, you cannot configure single sign-on for the Administration Console only).