Architecture: High availability for BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10
The following diagram shows an example of a high availability configuration with two high availability pairs:

Component |
Description |
Administration consoles |
The administration consoles are connected to all primary instances and standby instances in the domain. You can install one or several instances of each console. The consoles can be installed on a computer that hosts a primary instance or a standby instance, or on a different computer. |
Primary instance |
A primary instance is an active instance that communicates with devices and manages data in the domain. Each primary instance consists of the core BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 components, and is associated with one standby instance. One primary instance in the domain is responsible for the device management role for Android devices and iOS devices. For more information about this role, see Assigning the device management role for Android devices and iOS devices. If a primary instance is not performing as expected, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 initiates an automatic failover of device service to the standby instance. |
Standby instance |
A standby instance is a back-up server for a primary instance. Each standby instance consists of the same core components as a primary instance, and is associated with one primary instance. When a failover occurs, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 verifies that a standby instance is healthy before promoting it to become the primary instance. |
BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases |
The BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases are the BlackBerry Configuration Database, associated with the BlackBerry Device Service, and the Management Database, associated with the Universal Device Service. You specify a name for the databases when you install BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. By default, the name of a new BlackBerry Configuration Database is BDSMgmt. The setup application creates the Management Database and gives it the same name with "_UDS" appended (for example, BDSMgmt_UDS). If you upgrade from a supported product to BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 version 10.1, the upgraded databases use the name of the existing database. For example, if you upgrade BlackBerry Device Service 6.2 to BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 version 10.1, and the existing BlackBerry Configuration Database is named CorporateDB, the upgraded BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases are named CorporateDB (BlackBerry Configuration Database) and CorporateDB_UDS (Management Database). Each primary instance and standby instance is connected to the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases. You can configure high availability for the databases using database mirroring. For more information, see Configuring high availability for BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases. |