Compile the MIB and configure the SNMP management tool

To enable your organization’s SNMP monitoring software to monitor the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 components, you must use the SNMP management tool to compile the MIB of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. If the tool does not include an MIB compiler, install an MIB compiler on the computer that hosts the tool.
Before you begin: Read the documentation for the SNMP management tool to learn how to use the tool to compile an MIB.
  1. On the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, browse to <BDS_install_path>\Monitoring Service\bin. The MIB file is named BLACKBERRYENTERPRISESERVICEMIB-SMIV2.mib.
  2. Use the SNMP management tool (or the MIB compiler that you installed separately) to compile BLACKBERRYENTERPRISESERVICEMIB-SMIV2.mib.
After you finish: Read the documentation for the SNMP management tool to learn how to configure the tool to receive data from the SNMP service.