Display custom images for devices

You can add custom images for devices so that you have a visual reference for the devices you manage.

BlackBerry Management Studio recognizes when new devices are added to the environment. New device manufacturer folders are added when you view the User details pages for a device for the first time. A text file named with the device model is created in the folder for the device you are viewing. You add custom images for the device in this folder.

  1. Log in to the computer using the Windows account that you used to install BlackBerry Management Studio.
  2. Navigate to the folder for the device manufacturer, C:\Program Files (x86)\Research in Motion\BlackBerry Management Studio\custom\devices\device_manufacturer_name.
  3. Add custom device images to the device manufacturer folders.
    The custom device images must meet the following criteria:
    Item Description

    Image file name

    The image file name must match the name of the text file located inside the device manufacturer’s folder for the device model.

    File type


    Maximum image file size

    200 KB

    Image dimensions

    Maximum height and width: 169 pixels