Send certificates to every device that is managed by the BlackBerry Device Service
The Certificates folders in the shared network folder for applications contains subfolders for root and intermediate CA certificates that the BlackBerry Device Service sends to BlackBerry devices. When the content of one of the certificate folders changes, all certificates in the folder are sent to every device to replace the previous set of certificates.
- Obtain .cer, .der, or .pem files for the certificates.
Copy the certificate files to the correct folder.
- Copy web server certificates for all devices, and messaging server and S/MIME certificates for devices running BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.0 to the WWW folder.
- Copy messaging server and S/MIME certificates for devices running BlackBerry 10 OS version 10.1 and later to the Enterprise folder.
- Copy VPN certificates to the VPN folder.
- Copy Wi-Fi certificates to the WIFI folder.