Delete device data and deactivate a device

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
  2. Click Manage users.
  3. Search for a user account.
  4. In the search results, click the user's name.
  5. On the User information tab, in the PIN section, perform one of the following actions:
    Option Step

    Remove the association between the device and the user account, but do not delete the data on the device.

    1. Click the Remove device icon.
    2. Click Yes - Delete all device data and remove device.

    Remove the association between the device and the user account and delete all data on the device.

    1. Click Delete all device data and remove device. The device status is Delete pending until all data is deleted.
    2. Click Yes - Delete all device data and remove device.

    Remove the association between the device and the user account and delete all work data on the device.

    1. Click Delete only the organization data and remove device. The device status is Delete pending until all work data is deleted.
    2. Click Yes - Delete only the organization data and remove device.