Checking the delivery status of work space wallpaper

To verify that the Enterprise Management Web Service sent the work space wallpaper to devices, you can check the Enterprise Management Web Service log file. The default location for the BlackBerry Device Service log files is <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10\Logs. The component identifier for the Enterprise Management Web Service log file is EMWS.

When you add, remove, or replace an image file in the Wallpapers folder, the Enterprise Management Web Service records the following information in the log file:

  • EMWS:Wallpapers have changed in <shared_network_folder>\Shared\Wallpapers\
  • EMWS:Configuration being resent to x devices.

If other tasks are in the process of being sent to users (for example, you activated their devices), the Enterprise Management Web Service sends the work space wallpaper with the other tasks and does not record the number of devices in the log file. The Enterprise Management Web Service records the following information in the log file: "EMWS:Configuration being resent to 0 devices".