Setting up encrypted email using S/MIME
You can extend email security for iOS and Android device users by permitting users to send and receive S/MIME-protected email messages. You cannot force users to use S/MIME.
There are two types of S/MIME protection available:
- S/MIME for the native iOS email app. You enable this type of S/MIME in a Microsoft ActiveSync profile.
- S/MIME for the iOS and Android apps in the work space. You enable this type of S/MIME in a work space IT policy.
To use either type of S/MIME, a user must enable S/MIME on the device and specify whether to encrypt, sign, or encrypt and sign emails. Users must store their private keys and a certificate for each recipient that they want to send an encrypted email message to on their devices. Users can store a key and certificates by importing the files from an email message.