Installing apps in the work space

If you want to install an app developed by your organization in the work space on users’ devices, you must complete the following steps:
  1. Obtain the app binary file (.apk or .ipa) from the developer.
  2. Secure the app by uploading the app binary file in the Universal Device Service administration console. This process repackages the app so that it can be installed in the work space. Download the secured app and give it to the app developer.
  3. The app developer re-signs the app, and if necessary, creates an entitlements file. The developer gives you the app for distribution. For more information about re-signing apps, visit
  4. You create an application definition for the secured and re-signed app, then add the application definition to a software configuration.
  5. You assign the software configuration to users or groups.

This section explains how to secure and re-sign internal apps to convert them into work space apps. Third-party app developers can secure and re-sign their applications and make them available on the App Store or Google Play. To distribute a work space app from the App Store or Google Play, you can create an application definition for the app, add it to a software configuration, and assign the software configuration to users.

Apps from the App Store or Google Play that are not designated as work space apps cannot be installed or run in the work space. Only the app vendor can secure and re-sign an app so that it can be installed in the work space.

In previous releases, an app only had to be secured and re-signed to be permitted in the work space. In BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 version 10.1.3 and later, secured and re-signed apps can only be installed and run in the work space if you assign them to users with a software configuration. This requirement gives you more control over the apps that are permitted in the work space.

For more information about work space apps, visit to read the Secure Work Space for iOS and Android Security Technical Note.