Secure an app
You can use the Universal Device Service administration console to secure an app so that it can be installed in the work space on devices.
Before you begin:
- Obtain the app binary file (.apk or .ipa) from the developer. The size of the app file must be no larger than 50 MB.
- .ipa apps must be developed using iOS 7 SDK or later
- On the menu bar, click Settings.
- In the left pane, click Work Space.
- In the Secure Applications window, click the + icon.
- Browse to the application file (.apk or .ipa) and click Upload.
Check the status of the app. The process can take a few minutes
to several hours. The status column displays one of the following states:
- Processing
- In progress
- Failed - Retry
- Securing complete
- When the status is Securing complete, click Download secure file to download the secured app to your local computer.
After you finish:
- Give the secured app to the developer to re-sign. For more information about re-signing apps, visit
- After the app is secured and re-signed, create an application definition for the app and include it in a software configuration. Assign the software configuration to users or groups.
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