Change the BlackBerry Router port numbers
On the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Router, open the BES10
Configuration Tool.
If a Windows message appears and requests permission to make changes to the computer, click Yes. - On the BlackBerry Router tab, perform the
following actions:
- In the SRP port (outgoing) field, type the port number that the BlackBerry Router uses to connect to the BlackBerry Infrastructure.
- In the BlackBerry Dispatcher port (incoming) field, type the port number that the BlackBerry Dispatcher uses to connect to the BlackBerry Router.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
After you finish:
- In the Windows Services, restart the BES10 - BlackBerry Router service.
- If the BlackBerry Dispatcher port is not 3101, in the BlackBerry Administration Service, type the BlackBerry Dispatcher port in the Port override field for any BlackBerry Device Service instances that connect to the BlackBerry Router.