Create a user account for a local user

  1. In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Users.
  2. Click Create a user.
  3. In the Device type drop-down list, select the type of device the user can activate.
  4. In the Username field, type the user's name.
  5. In the Display name field, type the user's display name.
  6. In the Password field, type the user's password.
  7. In the Email address field, type the user’s email address. Entering an email address gives you the option to automatically generate an activation email message for the user account.
  8. In the Service drop-down list, select the service that you want to add the user to.
  9. Complete the instructions for the device types that you selected:
  10. Device type Tasks

    BlackBerry 10 or BlackBerry PlayBook 2.1 or later

    • In the BlackBerry Device Service drop-down list, select the BlackBerry Device Service instance you want to add the user to.
    • In the Groups list, select the groups that you want to add the user to and click the right arrow icon.
    • In the Email profile drop-down list, select an email profile. If necessary, make changes to the email profile.
    • In the Activation type for new and reactivated devices drop-down list, select the activation type.
    • In the Device activation section, select the option for the user to activate the device.

    iOS or Android

    • In the Groups drop-down list, select the group that you want to add the user to.
    • In the Device activation section, select the option for the user to activate the device.

    BlackBerry 7 or earlier

    • In the BlackBerry Enterprise Server drop-down list, select the BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance you want to add the user to.
    • In the Groups list, select the groups that you want to add the user to and click the right arrow icon.
    • In the Email profile drop-down list, select an email profile. If necessary, make changes to the email profile.
    • In the Device activation section, select the option for the user to activate the device.

  11. Click Submit.