Troubleshooting: The browser does not trust the website's security certificate

Possible cause

The BlackBerry Administration Service (also known as the BlackBerry Device Service console), the Administration Console (also known as the Universal Device Service console), BlackBerry Management Studio, and BES10 Self-Service use the SSL certificate that the setup application generated.

Possible solution

If you experience this issue with the BlackBerry Administration Service, BlackBerry Management Studio, or BES10 Self-Service, perform one of the following actions:

  • Replace the SSL certificate that the setup application generated with one issued by a trusted CA. For more information, see Import a new SSL certificate into the web keystores.
  • Install the SSL certificate that the setup application generated in the certificate store of all computers that are used to access the BlackBerry Administration Service, BlackBerry Management Studio, and BES10 Self-Service.

If you experience this issue with the Administration Console, install the SSL certificate that the setup application generated in the certificate store of all computers that are used to access the Administration Console website.