Components used to manage iOS and Android devices

Component |
Description |
APNs |
The APNs is a service for iOS devices that Apple provides. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 uses APNs to inform the iOS devices to contact BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 for configuration updates and to provide information for your organization’s device inventory. |
BES12 Client |
The BES12 Client is installed on iOS devices and Android devices. The BES12 Client communicates with BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. The BES12 Client can be obtained from the App Store for iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices. |
BES10 Self-Service |
BES10 Self-Service is a web application that permits users to activate and manage devices. |
BlackBerry Licensing Service |
The BlackBerry Licensing Service, installed with the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 management consoles, communicates with the licensing infrastructure within the BlackBerry Infrastructure to validate licenses and enforce license compliance. |
BlackBerry Management Studio | BlackBerry Management Studio is the main console where you can perform common management tasks for users and devices, view report information, and manage licenses. You can also access the other management consoles from BlackBerry Management Studio for advanced administration tasks. |
BlackBerry Secure Connect Service |
The BlackBerry Secure Connect Service is a service responsible for providing a single access port for activation and management traffic of iOS devices and Android devices. |
BlackBerry Work Connect Notification Service |
The BlackBerry Work Connect Notification Service is a web service responsible for providing new or changed mail and organizer notifications to the Work Connect app within the work space on iOS devices. |
Communication Module |
The Communication Module is a gateway between iOS devices and Android devices and BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. It is responsible for the conversion of the proprietary protocols supported on the devices to and from the device-agnostic format used by the Core Module. |
Core Module |
The Core Module is a device-agnostic module that manages all the configuration data used to manage iOS devices and Android devices and stores it in the Management Database. The Core Module is the only component that accesses the Management Database. The Core Module is responsible for communicating with Microsoft Active Directory, the APNs, the mail server, the database server and the SCEP server. |
Scheduler |
The Scheduler is responsible for initiating scheduled device management tasks, such as making available new or updated IT policy profiles, new applications, new or updated Wi-Fi or VPN profiles to iOS devices and Android devices, or retrieving device information. |
TCP proxy server |
A TCP proxy server is an optional, third-party software component that functions as a middle-man for data that passes between the BlackBerry Secure Connect Service and the BlackBerry Infrastructure. The BlackBerry Infrastructure sends data to mobile networks or the Internet. A TCP proxy server is typically used to manage how a company sends data to external sources and receives data from those sources. The TCP proxy server can be deployed in a DMZ if required, and can be transparent or non-transparent. A transparent proxy does not change a request or response. A non-transparent proxy can change a request or response to provide added service. |
Universal Device Service console |
You can use the Universal Device Service console, also known as the Administration Console, to manage user accounts, IT policies, profiles, and apps for iOS devices and Android devices. |