Components used to manage BlackBerry 10 devices and BlackBerry PlayBook tablets

This diagram shows the components that are described in the following text.



BlackBerry Controller

The BlackBerry Controller monitors the BlackBerry Dispatcher, BlackBerry MDS Connection Service, and the Enterprise Management Web Service, and restarts them if they stop responding.

BlackBerry Device Service console

The BlackBerry Device Service console, also known as the BlackBerry Administration Service, is used to manage user accounts and the BlackBerry devices that are associated with them.

The BlackBerry Device Service console connects to the BlackBerry Configuration Database and to Microsoft Active Directory.

BlackBerry Dispatcher

The BlackBerry Dispatcher maintains an SRP connection with the BlackBerry Infrastructure over the Internet. The BlackBerry Dispatcher is responsible for compressing and encrypting and for decrypting and decompressing data that travels over the Internet to and from the devices.

BlackBerry Licensing Service

The BlackBerry Licensing Service, installed with the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 management consoles, communicates with the licensing infrastructure within the BlackBerry Infrastructure to validate licenses and enforce license compliance.

BlackBerry Management Studio BlackBerry Management Studio is the main console where you can perform common management tasks for users and devices, view report information, and manage licenses. You can also access the other management consoles from BlackBerry Management Studio for advanced administration tasks.

BlackBerry MDS Connection Service

The BlackBerry MDS Connection Service provides a secure connection between the Enterprise Management Agent on BlackBerry devices and the Enterprise Management Web Service. The connection is used when the device is not connected to your organization's Wi-Fi network or using a VPN connection.

The BlackBerry MDS Connection Service is also responsible for providing enterprise push functionality.

BlackBerry Router

The BlackBerry Router is an optional component that can be deployed in a DMZ if required.

The BlackBerry Router connects to the BlackBerry Infrastructure which sends data to BlackBerry devices over mobile networks or the Internet.

BES10 Self-Service

BES10 Self-Service is a web application that permits users to activate and manage devices.

Enterprise Management Web Service

The Enterprise Management Web Service is a set of web services that communicates commands, configuration information, IT policies, VPN profiles, Wi-Fi profiles, SCEP profiles, and email profiles, between the BlackBerry Device Service console and the Enterprise Management Agent on BlackBerry devices.