Architecture: BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10

This diagram shows the components that are described in the following text.



BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10

BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 is a suite of services used to manage iOS, Android, and BlackBerry devices in an enterprise environment.

BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases

The BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases are a set of relational databases that contain user account information and configuration information (such as connection details) used by the components that manage iOS, Android, and BlackBerry devices.

The BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 databases consist of the following databases:
  • The Management Database contains data used for managing iOS and Android devices
  • The BlackBerry Configuration Database contains data used for managing BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry PlayBook devices

BlackBerry Infrastructure

The BlackBerry Infrastructure validates SRP and licensing information for BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. In addition, the BlackBerry Infrastructure provides a secure connection between your organization and BlackBerry devices and work space-enabled iOS and Android devices.

Company directory

User account information is obtained from the company directory. This information is required to create user accounts. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 supports Microsoft Active Directory and LDAP connectivity to your company directory.