Activate an iOS device
Before you begin:
- Confirm that the required licenses are available.
- Create a user account.
- Assign profiles and software configurations to the user account, if required.
- Send an activation email message to the user.
Send the following activation instructions to the device user. When you send the instructions to a user, indicate whether the user needs to install the Communication Module SSL certificate and whether the user is a directory user (can use their directory usernames and passwords) or a local user (must use the username and password that you specified).
- If your administrator notes that it is required, open the web address in your activation email to install the Communication Module SSL certificate on your device. Installing the certificate before activation ensures that the device recognizes and trusts BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10.
- Install the BES12 Client. The BES12 Client is available from the App Store.
- Tap the BES10 icon. Tap Continue.
If you are prompted to turn on location services, complete the following
- Tap Settings.
- Verify that Location Services is turned on.
- Verify that BES10 is turned on.
- Close Settings.
- Read the end user agreement and tap I Agree.
- Type your organization's server address and tap Go. You can find the server address in the activation email message.
- Confirm that the certificate details match your organization's information and tap Accept.
- Type your username and password and tap Activate My Device.
- If necessary, tap OK to install the required certificate.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the activation.
- If you are prompted to enter the password for your email account or the passcode for your device, follow the instructions on the screen.
- If you are prompted, create a work space password and download work space apps.
After you finish: Open the BES12 Client
and tap About. In the Activated
Device section, you should see your device information.