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BlackBerry Device Service: Activate a BlackBerry 10 device

Configure device activation over the wireless network
You can allow users to activate BlackBerry devices over the wireless network.
Before you begin:
- Create an email account that the BlackBerry Administration Service can use to send system messages or activation passwords to user accounts.
- Verify that the system requirements are met for activating devices over a Wi-Fi network. For more information, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 Installation Guide.
- Configure the SMTP notication settings.
- In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Devices menu, expand Wireless activations.
- Click Device activation settings.
- By default, BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 registers users' activation information with the BlackBerry Infrastructure. As a result, users do not have to specify the SRP or server address during the activation process. If you do not want to register activation information, and you want users to enter the SRP or server address manually, click Stop registering activation information. Click Yes - Stop registering activation information to confirm.
- Click Edit activation settings.
- In the Activation configuration section, verify that Allow activation over BlackBerry infrastructure is set to Yes.
- To send users an activation email message, in the Allow activation information to be emailed drop-down list, click Yes.
- Create an activation email message that can be sent to users. In the First activation message section, in the Custom activation subject field, type a subject.
- Customize the body text of the activation email message. If you decide to send only one activation email message, make sure you include the activation password.
- Create a second activation email message so that you can send the activation password separately from other activation instructions. In the Second activation message section, in the Send two separate activation emails drop-down list, click Yes.
- Customize the subject line and activation message.
- In the Passwords settings section, in the Auto-generated password length field, type a character length.
- In the Auto-generated password lifespan (hours) field, type the number of hours before the activation password expires.
- In the Allowed user operations section, in the Maximum device activation attempts field, type the number of times a user can try to enter their activation password before the device locks.
- Click Save.
After you finish:
- If you stopped registering activation information with the BlackBerry Infrastructure and you want to start it again, on the Device activation settings page, click Start registering activation information. Click Yes - Start registering activation information to confirm.
- Send an activation email to user accounts.

Send an activation email to user accounts
To allow users to activate their devices over the wireless network, you must send them an activation email message. The activation email, at a minimum, must include an activation password that users must specify when they activate their devices.
- In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
- Click Manage users.
- Search for the user accounts that you want to send an activation password or email message to.
- Select the check boxes beside the display names of the user accounts.
- In the Device activation list, perform one of the following tasks:
Use an automatically generated activation password and send the password to the user accounts.
Click Generate activation email.
Specify an activation password and send the password to the user accounts.
- Click Specify an activation password.
- In the Activation password and Confirm password fields, type an activation password.
- In the Password expiration (hours) field, type the amount of time, in hours, before the activation password expires.
- In the Email password to user email address drop-down list, select Yes.
- Click Specify an activation password.
Users receive an activation email message and are prompted to type their activation passwords and the activation information that you specified when you configured wireless activation.