Activating a device over the wireless network

You can allow users to activate BlackBerry devices over the wireless network using one of the following methods:
  • Register the activation information with the BlackBerry Infrastructure. If you register the activation information, the user's account information, including their username, required server address and SRP information will be sent to and stored in the BlackBerry Infrastructure. Users who activate a BlackBerry 10 device will not need to know the SRP ID of the BlackBerry Device Service and will only need to provide their work email address and activation password to activate a device.
  • Do not register the activation information with the BlackBerry Infrastructure. If you decide not to register the activation information, or if you are registering the activation information for local user accounts where the email addresses have not been specified, users must enter their SRP address and server information manually during the activation process.
  • Users can create activation passwords in BES10 Self-Service to activate devices over the wireless network. For more information about BES10 Self-Service, visit to read the BES10 Self-Service User Guide.

To allow users to activate a device over the wireless network, you must be assigned one of the following BlackBerry Administration Service preconfigured roles:
  • Security role
  • Enterprise role
  • Senior Helpdesk role
  • Junior Helpdesk role
  • User only role
If you are using a custom role that was created by your organization instead of a preconfigured role, you might not have the required permissions to activate a device over the wireless network using the BlackBerry Device Service.

When the activation process completes, users can send and receive email messages on their devices.