Impact on the domain when licenses are out of compliance

The BlackBerry Licensing Service tracks the use of server licenses and detects when a license type is out of compliance. A license type is out of compliance if the number of licenses in use is greater than the number of valid, non-expired licenses (for example, all licenses are in use and then some expire).

BlackBerry Management Studio indicates if the usage of licenses exceeds the number of valid licenses.


Compliance state


For a license type, the number of licenses in use is greater than the number of valid licenses.

Out of compliance

  • You cannot activate new devices or reactivate existing devices using this license type.
  • You can activate new devices if other licenses are available that support the device types and features.
  • You can continue to manage activated devices; device behavior is not affected.

For a license type, all licenses are in use.

In compliance

  • You cannot activate new devices using this license type.
  • You can reactivate existing devices.
  • You can activate new devices if other licenses are available that support the device types and features.
  • You can continue to manage activated devices; device behavior is not affected.