Activate server licenses using file-based activation

Before you begin:
  • Verify that the administrator account that you want to use meets the requirements. See Prerequisites: Managing licenses using BlackBerry Management Studio.
  • During this process, you must use a computer with access to the Internet to log in to the BlackBerry Account Center. This can be a different computer than the one that hosts BlackBerry Management Studio.
  1. In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Licenses.
  2. If necessary, in the Domain drop-down list, click a domain.
  3. Click Activate licenses.
  4. In the Licensing activation method drop-down list, click File based activation.
  5. Click Generate. Save the license challenge file to a location that you can access when you log in to the BlackBerry Account Center (you might use a different computer to access the Internet).
  6. From a computer with Internet access, in a browser, navigate to the BlackBerry Account Center ( Log in and go to the Licenses section.
  7. Navigate to the licensing information for the domain. Click Generate License and follow the instructions to upload the license challenge file.
  8. Download the license response file. Save the file to a location that you can access from BlackBerry Management Studio.
  9. In BlackBerry Management Studio, in the Activate licenses window, click Choose File and select the license response file (.bin).
  10. Click Submit.