Activate server licenses using file-based activation
Before you begin:
- Verify that the administrator account that you want to use meets the requirements. See Prerequisites: Managing licenses using BlackBerry Management Studio.
- During this process, you must use a computer with access to the Internet to log in to the BlackBerry Account Center. This can be a different computer than the one that hosts BlackBerry Management Studio.
- In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Licenses.
- If necessary, in the Domain drop-down list, click a domain.
- Click Activate licenses.
- In the Licensing activation method drop-down list, click File based activation.
- Click Generate. Save the license challenge file to a location that you can access when you log in to the BlackBerry Account Center (you might use a different computer to access the Internet).
- From a computer with Internet access, in a browser, navigate to the BlackBerry Account Center ( Log in and go to the Licenses section.
- Navigate to the licensing information for the domain. Click Generate License and follow the instructions to upload the license challenge file.
- Download the license response file. Save the file to a location that you can access from BlackBerry Management Studio.
- In BlackBerry Management Studio, in the Activate licenses window, click Choose File and select the license response file (.bin).
- Click Submit.