Activate server licenses using a license activation ID

When you obtain server licenses, you receive activation IDs that you use to activate the licenses. Each activation ID is associated with a license type and a certain number of licenses. An activation ID is also known as a CAL Authentication Key.
Before you begin:
  • Verify that the administrator account that you want to use meets the requirements. See Prerequisites: Managing licenses using BlackBerry Management Studio.
  • Verify that you have the activation IDs for the licenses. Activation IDs are available in the BlackBerry Account Center. Each ID uses the format xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx, where each x is a letter or number.
  1. In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Licenses.
  2. If necessary, in the Domain drop-down list, click a domain.
  3. Click Activate licenses.
  4. In the Licensing activation method drop-down list, click License activation ID.
  5. Type the activation ID.
  6. Click Activate.
    Verify that the Activate licenses window displays Activated under the License activation ID field.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each activation ID that you want to assign to the domain.
  8. Click Close.