Prerequisites: Managing licenses using BlackBerry Management Studio

  • To manage licenses, log in to BlackBerry Management Studio using the administrator account that you created when you installed BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10.
  • If you want to create an administrator account to manage licenses, the account must exist in both the BlackBerry Device Service and the Universal Device Service. The account must use the same login information for both consoles. This is called a normalized account. Assign the Security Administrator role to the account in both consoles. Other roles can view license information but cannot perform actions related to licensing, such as activating licenses.
  • If you want to manage licenses in multiple BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 domains using one administrator account, create a normalized account in each domain that uses the same login information.
  • If your organization's security policies do not permit the options described above, you can log in to BlackBerry Management Studio using a BlackBerry Device Service administrator account.