Activate server licenses using the host ID

Before you begin: Verify that the administrator account that you want to use meets the requirements. See Prerequisites: Managing licenses using BlackBerry Management Studio.
  1. In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Licenses.
  2. If necessary, in the Domain drop-down list, click a domain.
  3. Click Activate licenses.
  4. In the Licensing activation method drop-down list, click Host ID.
  5. Copy the host ID (MAC address of the licensing server).
  6. Click Connect to navigate to the BlackBerry Account Center ( Log in and go to the Licenses section.
  7. Navigate to the licensing information for the domain. Click Register Server and use the host ID that you copied to register the licensing server for the domain.
  8. Specify the number of licenses to assign to the domain.
  9. In BlackBerry Management Studio, in the Activate licenses window, click Close.