Managing log files for server components
You can use log files to record the activity of the BlackBerry Device Service components and troubleshoot issues with the components. The BlackBerry Device Service creates a log file for each component and saves the log files on the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Device Service. By default, the BlackBerry Device Service saves the log files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10\Logs\. Each BlackBerry Device Service instance saves the log files in folders that it creates daily and organizes by date. To prevent the log files from taking up too much disk space, you can change how BlackBerry Device Service components create and delete log files.
The size of log files varies based on the number of users in your BlackBerry Device Service environment and the level of user activity. It is a best practice to monitor and control the amount of disk space taken up by the BlackBerry Device Service log files.
By default, the BlackBerry Device Service names log files <server_name>_<component_identifier>_<instance>_<yyyymmdd>_<log_number>.txt (for example, BBServer01_MDAT_01_20110830_0001.txt). An event that the BlackBerry Device Service writes to a log file begins with a five-digit number, where the first digit represents the logging level. For example, the following log file entry logs level 3: [30000] (03/12 14:03:42.315):{0x18CC} [ENV] Computer Host Name: host_name.
- Change the location for log files
- Change the folder for log files
- Change the name of a log file
- Add a prefix to the file name of a log file
- Change the maximum size of a log file
- Change the logging level of a log file
- Specify how the BlackBerry Device Service manages a log file that reaches its maximum size
- Specify when the BlackBerry Device Service creates a log file
- Set the maximum age for a log file
- Change the encoding of the log file
- Restore default settings for log files
- Changing how the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service creates a log file
- Sending device log files to the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center