Maintaining and monitoring the health of the BlackBerry Device Service

The BlackBerry Controller monitors the BlackBerry Device Service so that it can detect when to start, restart, or stop the BlackBerry Device Service services.

Services that require database access are installed in manual start mode and the BlackBerry Controller starts the services when the BlackBerry Dispatcher verifies the connection to the database. Other services are installed in automatic start mode, and by default, the BlackBerry Controller restarts the services if the BlackBerry Controller detects that the services are inactive. By default, the BlackBerry Controller also restarts services if the BlackBerry Controller detects unresponsive threads or that a service is inactive for a long period of time.

Registry keys determine how the BlackBerry Controller monitors the BlackBerry Device Service and restarts the BlackBerry Device Service services. You can change the default behavior of the BlackBerry Controller by creating new registry keys and changing the default values of the registry keys.