Reconciliation rules for apps



Multiple software configurations are assigned to a user account or the groups the user account belongs to. Multiple apps are contained in each software configuration.

The apps in each software configuration are installed on the device.

Multiple software configurations that contain different versions of the same app are assigned to a user account or the groups the user account belongs to.

When different versions of an app exist in the software configurations that are assigned to a user account, the latest version of the app is installed on the device. For example, if a software configuration with version 1.0 of an app is assigned to a user account, and another software configuration with version 2.0 of the application is assigned to a user account, version 2.0 of the application is installed on the device.

The version of an app that is in a software configuration that is assigned to a user account takes precedence over the version of an app that is in a software configuration that is assigned to a group. For example, if version 1.0 of an app is in a software configuration that is assigned to a user account, and version 2.0 of an app is in a software configuration that is assigned to a group that the user belongs to, version 1.0 of the app is installed on the device.

Multiple software configurations that contain the same app are assigned to a user account or the groups the user belongs to. The disposition of the app (required or optional) is different in each software configuration.

The disposition specified for an app in a software configuration that is assigned to a user account takes precedence over the disposition of the same app in any software configuration that is assigned to a group. If the app has different dispositions in multiple software configurations that are assigned at the same level (either to the user account or groups), the required disposition takes precedence over the optional disposition.

One or more software configurations that include apps are assigned to a user account or the groups the user belongs to, but a limited amount of available memory remains on the device.

The BlackBerry Administration Service checks the amount of available memory on the device after resolving application conflicts (for example, resolving conflicting disposition settings) and before installing an app. If there is not enough memory available on the device to support the app, the app is not installed.

Required apps take precedence over optional apps.

A software configuration is assigned to a user account and it contains an app that has a dependency on another app.

If an app in a software configuration has a dependency on another app, and the other app is not included in a software configuration that is assigned to the user account or a group that the user belongs to, the app is not installed on the device.

If an app in a software configuration has a dependency on another app, and the dependent app is included in a software configuration that is assigned to the user account or a group the user belongs to, the dependent app is installed first. If the dependent app is installed successfully, the app with the dependency is then installed.

A software configuration is assigned to a user account and it contains an app that has a dependency on another app. The dependent app is not supported on the device.

If a dependent app is not supported by the device or was not installed successfully on the device, the app with the dependency is not installed on the user's device.

Multiple apps have a circular dependency (for example, app A is dependent on app B, app B is dependent on app C, and app C is dependent on app A) and are included in the same application bundle. The application bundle is added to the application repository. The apps are added to a software configuration and assigned to a user account or a group the user belongs to.

If multiple apps are included in the same application bundle and have a circular dependency, the applications are not installed on the device. If multiple applications have a circular dependency, they can only be installed if they exist in separate application bundles.