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Activate an iOS device

You or a user must perform the following actions on the device.
  1. On the device, install the BES10 Client. You can download the BES10 Client from the App Store online store.
  2. On the device, tap the BES10 icon. Tap Continue.
  3. Read the end user agreement and tap I Agree.
  4. Type your work email address and tap Go.
  5. If required, type the server address and tap Next. Users can find the server address in the activation email message that you send to them.
  6. Confirm that the certificate details displayed on the device are accurate, and tap Accept. Users can compare the information displayed with the information in the activation email message that you send to them.
  7. Type the username and activation password and tap Activate My Device.
  8. tap OK to install the required certificate.
  9. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the activation.
  10. If you are prompted to enter the password for your email account or the passcode for your device, follow the instructions on the screen.
After you finish:
To verify that the activation process completed successfully, perform one of the following actions:
  • On the device, open the BES10 Client and tap About. In the Activated Device section, verify that the device information and the activation time stamp are present.
  • In the administration console, in the user list, verify that the device is showing in the Model column. It can take up to two minutes for the status to update after the user activates the device.