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Add a user account

Add a user account

You can add a user account to BlackBerry Business Cloud Services, assign a BlackBerry device to a user account, and activate the device. The user account must exist in Microsoft Office 365.
Before you begin: If required, create a group so that you can manage user accounts that are similar.
  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand User.
  2. Click Create a user.
  3. Type the search criteria in the appropriate fields to search for a user account (for example, a partial name or email address). Click Search.
  4. Select the check box beside the display name for the user account.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. If groups exist in the Available groups list, click at least one group that you want to add the user account to.
  7. Click Add.
  8. To select an activation option, perform one of the following actions:



    Specify an activation password for the user account.

    1. Click Create a user with activation password.
    2. In the Set activation password, section, type and confirm an activation password.
    3. In the Password expiration (hours) field, type the amount of time, in hours, that you want to elapse before the activation password expires.
    4. Click Create user.

    Generate an activation password for the user account automatically.

    Click Create a user with generated activation password.

    Activate the user account without using an activation password.

    Click Create a user without activation password.

After you finish: After you create new user accounts, Microsoft Office 365 must give BlackBerry Business Cloud Services access to the users' email accounts. You need to wait approximately 20 minutes after adding user accounts before users can activate their devices.