Senior and Junior Helpdesk roles

BlackBerry Management Studio is designed for administrators who are assigned either the Senior Helpdesk role or the Junior Helpdesk role. Administrators who are assigned the Senior Helpdesk role can perform all tasks available in BlackBerry Management Studio. Administrators who are assigned the Junior Helpdesk role can perform all tasks available in BlackBerry Management Studio except for the following:

  • Creating and deleting users
  • Adding devices
  • Resending IT policies and service books to a device
  • Editing IT policy links
  • Unlocking and clearing passwords (allowed for Universal Device Service)
  • Adding a user to a group (allowed for Universal Device Service)
Note: If you change the permissions for the Senior and Junior Helpdesk roles in BlackBerry Device Service or Universal Device Service, these changes are applied to the roles in BlackBerry Management Studio.

For more information about assigning roles, visit to read the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Administration Guide, the BlackBerry Device Service Advanced Administration Guide, and the Universal Device Service Advanced Administration Guide.