Configure the HTTP servers that the Enterprise Management Web Service uses to retrieve the status of S/MIME certificates

HTTP server configuration is available for devices running a BlackBerry 10 OS version that is later than 10.2.1.

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view.
  2. Click Enterprise Management Web Service.
  3. On the CRL tab, click Edit component.
  4. Click Edit settings.
  5. In the Use certificate extension responders drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Yes if you want to use responder URLs defined in the certificate.
    • Click No if you do not want to use responder URLs defined in the certificate.
  6. In the Service URL field, type the web address for the server using the following format HTTP://<FQDN>:<port>/* or HTTPS://<FQDN>:<port>/*, (for example, HTTP://
  7. Click Save all.