Update the template for the device compliance notification

You can use the BlackBerry Device Service to automatically send an email message, a device notification, or both, to users when their device does not comply with your organization's requirements. The template includes default text but you can update the text. In the body of the email message, you can advise users about the compliance issue and the consequences if they do not address it.

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Devices menu, expand Device settings.
  2. Click Compliance notifications.
  3. To update one or both of the email message and device notification templates, click Edit notification and complete one of the following tasks:



    Update the email notification template

    1. On the Email notification tab, in the Subject field, update the default text if necessary.
    2. In the Message field, update the default text if necessary. You can use any of the following variables in the body text:
      • %DevicePIN%
      • %DeviceModel%
      • %ComplianceRule%
      • %ComplianceAction%

    Update the Device notification template

    1. On the Device notification tab, in the Notification field, update the default text if necessary. You can use any of the following variables in the body text:
      • %ComplianceRule%
      • %ComplianceAction%
  4. Click Save all.