Restore the BlackBerry Device Service
You can restore a BlackBerry Device Service instance to the same computer or a different computer in your organization's environment.
- If necessary, restore the BlackBerry Configuration Database. You can use the backup and restore tools that are part of Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation for Microsoft SQL Server.
- If necessary, restore the shared network folder. If you restore the shared network folder to a different location, you must update the location in the BlackBerry Administration Service. For more information, see Specify a shared network folder.
Perform one of the following tasks:
Restore a BlackBerry Device Service instance to the same computer or a computer with the same FQDN as the computer that previously hosted the BlackBerry Device Service instance
- Install the BlackBerry Device Service and specify the same name for the BlackBerry Device Service instance. For more information about installing the BlackBerry Device Service, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 Installation Guide.
Restore a BlackBerry Device Service instance to a different computer
- Install the BlackBerry Device Service and specify a new name for the BlackBerry Device Service instance. For more information about installing the BlackBerry Device Service, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 Installation Guide.
- Move user accounts from the old BlackBerry Device Service instance to the new BlackBerry Device Service instance. For more information, see the BlackBerry Device Service Advanced Administration Guide.
- To remove the old BlackBerry Device Service component information from the
BlackBerry Configuration Database, perform the following
- In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain.
- Click Component view.
- Click the Delete icon beside the old BlackBerry Device Service instance.
- Click Yes - Delete the instance and wait until you are returned to the main page.