Connect to an SMTP server to send email notifications to users
To allow the BlackBerry Administration Service to send email notifications to users, you must connect it to an SMTP server. For example, to send users activation email messages, you must configure SMTP server settings.
- In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand Notification settings.
- Click SMTP configuration.
- Click Edit settings.
- In the Sender configuration section, in the Sender address field, type the email address that you want the BlackBerry Administration Service to send system messages or activation passwords from.
- In the SMTP server information section, in the SMTP server URL field, type the host name for the SMTP server.
- In the SMTP server port field, type the SMTP server port number.
- In the Supported encryption method value, select the encryption type you want to apply to the device activation.
- If the SMTP server requires authentication, in the User name field, type the SMTP server login name. Type and confirm the SMTP server password.
- Click Save all.
If your organization's environment does not allow anonymous access to your SMTP
server, you must import the SSL certificate for the SMTP server:
- Copy the SSL certificate for your organization's SMTP server to the computer that you are using.
- Click Import SMTP certificate.
- Browse to the SSL certificate file and click Import SMTP certificate.
- On all computers that host BlackBerry Administration Service instances, in the Windows Services, restart the BlackBerry Administration Service services.