Configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service and the Enterprise Management Web Service to use a proxy server

You can configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service and the Enterprise Management Web Service to route data directly through a proxy server. You can also configure connections to certain web addresses to bypass a proxy server.
  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, in the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view > BlackBerry Device Service.
  2. Click the instance that you want to change.
  3. Click Edit instance.
  4. On the Proxy mappings tab, in the Universal resource locator field, type the regular expression for the web address that you want this proxy mapping to control. The default entry matches all URLs.
  5. If the proxy server requires authentication, in the Credentials section, type the user name and password of an administrator account that has permission to access the proxy server.
  6. In the Proxy type drop-down list, perform one of the following actions:
    • To specify a proxy server, click PROXY. In the Proxy string field, type the proxy server name and port number using the following format: <proxy_server>:<port>.
    • If you want data directed to the specified web address to bypass the proxy server, click DIRECT.
  7. Click the Add icon for the proxy item. If you add more than one proxy item, use the Up and Down icons to set the priority for the proxy items.
  8. Click the Add icon for the web address. If you add more than one web address, use the Up and Down icons to set the priority for the web addresses.
  9. Click Save all.