Status fields for Wi-Fi connections



Current Profile

This field specifies the name of the Wi-Fi profile that the user is currently using.


This field specifies the identifier for the Wi-Fi network.

When the BlackBerry device displays an SSID value, the BlackBerry device is connected to a network, and the name of the network appears.

AP MAC Address

This field specifies the MAC address of the wireless access point that the BlackBerry device is associated with.

When the BlackBerry device displays a value for the AP MAC Address, the BlackBerry device is associated with the access point.

Security Type

This field specifies the following link security methods:
  • No Security
  • WEP
  • PSK
  • PEAP
  • LEAP

When the BlackBerry device displays the link security method, the security on the Wi-Fi connection is turned on and active.


This field shows the status of the BlackBerry device connection to the access point. The status indicators are the following icons:
  • green check mark: The authentication key is applied, authentication is complete, and keys are used to decrypt packets.
  • black filled circle: No network connection exists, or no profile exists for an association to a specific access point.


This field shows the status of the authentication process on the BlackBerry device.

Local IP Address

This field specifies the IP address of the BlackBerry device. When a BlackBerry device displays a value, it displays the network that the BlackBerry device is associated with.

Signal Level

The field specifies the current signal strength of the BlackBerry device. The value is based on the signal percentage level, from none to excellent.

Connection Data Rate

This field specifies the data rate in Mbps. IEEE 802.11b has a data rate of 11 Mbps, and IEEE 802.11a and IEEE 802.11g have a data rate of 54 Mbps.


This field provides a descriptive status message, such as Status acquired. It also specifies warnings and errors that a user encountered when the user tried to open a connection to an access point.

Network Type

This field specifies whether the wireless connection type is IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, or IEEE 802.11g.

Network Channel

This field specifies the IEEE 802.11 channel that the access point uses.

Pairwise Cipher

This field specifies information about how the access point manages encryption keys for a user account on the network. You can configure an access point to support multiple pairwise ciphers. You can use a pairwise cipher with a group cipher.

Group Cipher

This field specifies information about how the access point manages encryption keys for all user accounts on the network or locally. You can use a pairwise cipher with a group cipher.

The group ciphers have one of the following values:
  • None
  • WEP 40
  • WEP 104
  • TKIP

An access point that you configure to support multiple pairwise ciphers is only as strong as the weakest pairwise cipher.

Gateway Address

This field specifies the IP address of the gateway that routes any packets that the gateway sends outside the local network. In an enterprise Wi-Fi network, this field specifies the IP address of the organization’s LAN gateway. In a personal Wi-Fi network, this field specifies the internal IP address of the router for the home network.


This field specifies the status of the DHCP connection to the BlackBerry device. When a check mark displays, DHCP is complete.

Primary DNS

This field specifies the address of an optional computer that translates host names into IP addresses.

Secondary DNS

This field specifies the address of an optional computer that translates host names into IP addresses. The BlackBerry device can use the secondary DNS server if the primary DNS is not available.

DNS Suffix

This field specifies the domain name suffix, such as .com or .org.

Subnet Mask

This field specifies information about the subnet base for the IP address tha the access point assigned to the BlackBerry device.

Server Domain Suffix

This field specifies the domain name suffix for the network that the BlackBerry device is associated with.


This field specifies the certificate that the BlackBerry device can use for Wi-Fi authentication, if applicable.

Software Token

If you configured a software token for the BlackBerry device, this field specifies the serial number of the software token.