Switch to a new licensing server

  1. In BlackBerry Management Studio, on the menu bar, click Licenses.
  2. If necessary, in the Domain drop-down list, click a domain.
  3. If you released licenses, perform the following actions:
    1. On the Licensing settings tab, click Poll now.
    2. Click the Licensing summary tab and verify that the licenses are removed.
  4. On the Licensing settings tab, click Switch server.
  5. In the New server drop-down list, click the server that you want to switch to.
  6. Click Test connection to verify that the BlackBerry Licensing Service on the new server is running.
  7. If the connection was successful, click Switch server.
  8. In the Switch server window, click Yes.
  9. On the Licensing settings tab, verify that the Server address field displays the FQDN of the new server and the Server status field displays Connected.
After you finish:
  • Activate server licenses to assign them to the new licensing server.
  • On the server that you switched from, in the Windows Services, stop the BES10 - BlackBerry Licensing Service. Change the startup type to Disabled.