Preconfigured roles

The BlackBerry Device Service includes preconfigured roles. You can use a preconfigured role, change the preconfigured role and then use it, or copy the preconfigured role and use it as a template for a new role.

Preconfigured role name


Security Administrator

This role has permission to perform all tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service.

Enterprise Administrator

This role has permission to perform all tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service except changing role assignments. This role can only view role assignments.

Senior Helpdesk Administrator

This role has permission to perform advanced administrative tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service.

Junior Helpdesk Administrator

This role has permission to perform basic administrative tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service.

Server Only Administrator

This role has permissions to perform system management tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service.

User Only Administrator

This role has permission to perform user management tasks in the BlackBerry Device Service.