BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 version 10.2
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BlackBerry Device Service: Administration
Setting up administrator accounts
Setting up device controls
Controlling how devices can connect to your organization's network
Managing Wi-Fi profiles
Managing VPN profiles
Managing email profiles
Managing SCEP profiles
Managing proxy profiles
Create a proxy profile
Copy a proxy profile
Change the settings for a proxy profile
Delete a proxy profile
Add a proxy profile to a BlackBerry Device Service instance
Delete a proxy profile from a BlackBerry Device Service instance
Accessing network drives from devices
Allow devices to have single sign-on access to your organization's network
Managing device security features and behaviors
Managing work and personal spaces
Enforcing your organization's device compliance requirements
Managing app availability on devices
Managing groups, users, and device controls
Activating and managing devices
Maintaining and monitoring
Profile settings
Other sources of help
Guides for administrators
Guides for device users
Business support
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Support forums
BlackBerry Device Service: Administration
Setting up device controls
Controlling how devices can connect to your organization's network
Managing proxy profiles
Delete a proxy profile
In the
BlackBerry Administration Service
, on the
BlackBerry solution management
menu, expand
Manage proxy profiles
Click the name of the proxy profile.
Delete profile
Yes - Delete the profile
Last updated: 2015-02-23
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