Create an administrator account
Before you begin: If you configured the Universal Device Service to connect to a company directory, you can add an administrator
account directly from your organization's list of users. If you did not configure these
settings, you can create local administrator accounts only.
- In the left pane, beside Administrators, click the + icon.
In the Add a user window, perform one of the following
Add an administrator account from the company directory.
If you have not configured the Universal Device Service to connect to a company directory, the Directory tab is not shown.
- On the Directory tab, search for an administrator account.
- In the Name drop-down list, select the administrator account.
- If you want to add the administrator account to a group, in the Group membership drop-down list, select a group.
- To specify if this administrator will use a work or personal device, in the Device ownership drop-down list, select an option.
- Verify that the Administrator account check box is selected.
- In the Administrator role drop-down list, select a role for the administrator.
Create a local administrator account.
- Select the Local tab.
- Specify the administrator details.
- If you want to add the administrator account to a group, in the Group membership drop-down list, select a group.
- To specify if this administrator will be using a corporate or personal device, in the Device ownership drop-down list, select an option.
- Verify that the Administrator account check box is selected.
- Type a password.
- In the Administrator role drop-down list, select a role for the administrator.
- To specify device activation settings for the administrator account, in the Device Activation section, select Enable new device activations.
Select one of the following options:
- Use directory password to allow the administrator to use the company directory password to activate a device.
- Specify an activation password to specify a password that the administrator must enter to activate a device.
- To specify when the activation password expires, select a time and date in the Activation expiration (date) and Activation expiration (time) fields. If you do not specify an expiration date and time, the activation password will never expire.
- To specify a maximum number of activation attempts the administrator is allowed to make before the device is locked, in the Maximum number of activations per device field, type a value.
- To specify a maximum number of devices the administrator is allowed to have associated with this user account, in the Maximum number of devices to activate field, type a value.
- To specify the device platforms that are supported, select Permitted devices and select one or more platforms.
- To specify the device versions that are supported, in the drop-down list, select one or more versions.
- To send an email message that contains the information that the administrator requires to activate the device, select Send activation email.
- If you are using custom variables, click the arrow beside Custom Variables and fill in the fields.
Do one of the following:
- To save this administrator account and create another, click Save & New.
- To save this administrator account, click Save.
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