Change the device activation password for a user

Users must provide a username and password when they activate devices. When you add a user account in the Universal Device Service, you can specify an activation password. To create a new activation password complete the following steps:
  1. Search for a user account.
  2. In the search results, click the name of a user account.
  3. Click the + icon.
  4. In the Device Activation window, click the edit icon.
  5. Perform one of the following actions:
    • Click Change activation password.
    • Select Use directory password or Specify activation password.
  6. If you selected Change activation password, or Specify activation password, type an activation password in the Activation password field.
  7. To specify when the activation password expires, select a date and time in the Activation expiration (date) and Activation expiration (time) drop-down lists.
  8. To send an email message to a user that contains the information that the user requires to activate their device, select Send activation email.
  9. Click Save.