Change the device activation password for a user
Users must provide a username and password when they activate devices. When you add
a user account in the Universal Device Service, you can specify an activation password. To create a new activation password complete
the following steps:
- Search for a user account.
- In the search results, click the name of a user account.
- Click the + icon.
- In the Device Activation window, click the edit icon.
Perform one of the following actions:
- Click Change activation password.
- Select Use directory password or Specify activation password.
- If you selected Change activation password, or Specify activation password, type an activation password in the Activation password field.
- To specify when the activation password expires, select a date and time in the Activation expiration (date) and Activation expiration (time) drop-down lists.
- To send an email message to a user that contains the information that the user requires to activate their device, select Send activation email.
- Click Save.