Remove an administrator account from the BlackBerry Device Service

You can remove an administrator account from the BlackBerry Device Service without deleting the account and group memberships. This allows an administrator without an active BlackBerry device to perform administrative tasks in the BlackBerry Administration Service. A device cannot be activated for the administrator account until the account is added back to the BlackBerry Device Service.

Administrator accounts with no associated devices are the only user accounts that can be removed from the BlackBerry Device Service and added back in. All other user accounts must be deleted and then added as new user accounts.

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Administrator user.
  2. Click Manage users.
  3. Search for an administrator account.
  4. In the search results, click the display name of the administrator account.
  5. Click Remove from BlackBerry Device Service.
  6. Click Yes – Remove from BlackBerry Device Service.