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Obtaining an APNs certificate to manage iOS devices

APNs is the Apple Push Notification Service. You must obtain and register an APNs certificate if you want to use BES10 Cloud to manage iOS devices. If you set up more than one BES10 Cloud domain, each domain requires an APNs certificate.

You can obtain and register the APNs certificate using the first login wizard or by using the external integration section of the administration console.This section explains how to complete this task using the external integration section of the administration console.

To obtain and register an APNs certificate, you must perform the following tasks:
Note: Each APNs certificate is valid for one year. The administration console displays the expiry date. You must renew the APNs certificate before the expiry date, using the same Apple ID that you used to obtain the certificate. If the certificate expires, iOS devices do not receive data from BES10 Cloud. If you register a new APNs certificate, iOS device users must reactivate their devices to receive data.

For more information, visit to read Issues with Sending Push Notifications in article TN2265.

It is a best practice to access the administration console and the Apple Push Certificates Portal using the Google Chrome browser or the Safari browser. These browsers provide optimal support for requesting and registering an APNs certificate.