Configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to connect to the certificate authority

If your organization's environment includes a Microsoft enterprise certification authority, the certification authority requires Windows authentication, and a certification authority administrator must approve certificate requests, you must configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service with the server name of the certification authority and the certification authority credentials so that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can send certificate requests to the certification authority.
Before you begin: Create a custom template on the certification authority that does not permit the subject name to originate from information in Microsoft Active Directory.
  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view.
  2. Click MDS Connection Service.
  3. Click Edit component.
  4. On the HTTP tab, in the Name field, type the certificate authority name.
  5. In the Service URL field, type the URL that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can use to send certificate requests to the certification authority using the following format: http://<FQDN_of_CA_server>:<port_number>/* (for example,*). Use <port_number>/* to make sure that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can access all the URLs for the certification authority.
  6. In the Settings section, in the User name field, type the name of a certification authority administrator account that can approve certificate requests using one of the following formats: domain\username or domain@username.
  7. In the Password and Confirm password fields, type the password for the certification authority administrator account.
  8. Click the Add icon.
  9. Click Save all.
After you finish:
  • Write down the URL for the certification authority that you typed in the Service URL field. You must add the <FQDN_of_CA_server> that you configured in step 5 to the Certificate Authority Host IT policy rule, and the <port_number> that you configured in step 5 to the Certificate Authority Port IT policy rule.
  • Add the certification authority information to a BlackBerry MDS Connection Service configuration set.