Delete credentials for HTTP basic authentication
- On the computer that hosts the BlackBerry Administration Service, at the command prompt, navigate to the folder that contains the TraitTool.exe file.
Perform one of the following tasks:
Delete the user name and password that all of the BlackBerry Administration Service instances in your organization's BlackBerry Domain use for HTTP basic authentication.
- Type traittool -global -trait BASProxyBasicAuthUID -erase.
- Type traittool -global -trait BASProxyBasicAuthPassword -erase.
Delete the user name and password for the computer that a single BlackBerry Administration Service instance in your organization's BlackBerry Domain uses for HTTP basic authentication.
- Type traittool -BASServer <name> -trait BASProxyBasicAuthUID -erase.
- Type traittool -BASServer <name> -trait BASProxyBasicAuthPassword -erase.