Configuring the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to authenticate devices to the RSA Authentication Manager
You can configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to require that BlackBerry device users pass RSA authentication when they access the Internet or intranet from BlackBerry devices. You can configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service
to require that users use RSA authentication in one of the following scenarios:
- when users access every web site and intranet site from devices
- when users access intranet sites from devices
- when users access web addresses or intranet addresses that you specify
If you configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to require that users use RSA authentication to access web addresses or intranet addresses that you specify, you can choose to apply this option to specific user accounts or to all user accounts that are associated with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance.
After the RSA Authentication Manager authenticates the devices, if you configured proxy authentication, the devices prompt users to authenticate to the proxy server.