Configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to use DSML to retrieve certificates

  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the Servers and components menu, expand BlackBerry Solution topology > BlackBerry Domain > Component view.
  2. Click MDS Connection Service.
  3. On the DSML tab, click Edit component.
  4. In the Protocol service information section, in the Query limit field, type the maximum number of certificates that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can retrieve during each search it performs.
  5. Perform one of the following tasks:



    Create a configuration for a DSML certificate server.

    1. In the Name field, type a name for the DSML certificate server that you want the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to search.
    2. In the Service URL field, type the FQDN of the DSML certificate server (for example,
    3. In the Settings section, if you do not want the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to search the entire directory tree, in the Base query field, type the search base that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can use.
    4. To permit the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to authenticate with the DSML certificate server on behalf of BlackBerry devices, in the User name field, type the user name that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can use to authenticate with the DSML certificate server.
    5. In the Password and Confirm password fields, type the password for the user name that the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service can use to authenticate with the DSML certificate server.
    6. Click the Add icon.

    Change a configuration for an existing DSML certificate server configuration.

    1. Click the Edit icon that is beside the DSML certificate server that you want to change.
    2. In the Settings section, change the DSML certificate server settings.
    3. Click the Update icon.
  6. Click Save all.
After you finish:
  • To configure the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service to retrieve the status of certificates from an OCSP server or CRL server, you must configure the OCSP server and CRL server information.
  • Add the communication information that you configured for the DSML server to the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service configuration set.