Remove a BlackBerry Java Application from BlackBerry devices over the wireless network

You can remove a BlackBerry Java Application, the collaboration client, or the BlackBerry MDS Runtime from BlackBerry devices over the wireless network.
  1. In the BlackBerry Administration Service, on the BlackBerry solution management menu, expand Software.
  2. Click Manage software configurations.
  3. Click a software configuration.
  4. Click Edit software configuration.
  5. On the Applications tab, click the Delete icon for the application.
  6. Perform one of the following actions:
    • If you configured the software configuration to permit unlisted applications on BlackBerry devices and you want to permit users to install the application as an unlisted application, or if you configured the software configuration to not permit unlisted applications on BlackBerry devices, click Save all.
    • If you configured the software configuration to permit unlisted applications on BlackBerry devices, and you do not want to permit users to install the application on their BlackBerry devices, perform steps 7 to 12.
  7. Click Add applications to software configuration.
  8. Search for the application that you want to remove.
  9. In the search results, select the application.
  10. In the Disposition drop-down list for the application, click Disallowed.
  11. Click Add to software configuration.
  12. Click Save all.